Wednesday, September 10

Its a beautiful life

I had looked up at the sky one day and asked him, "Won't you send me an angel today? Tell me... will you?" Well. He did.

Event: Sexual Abuse / Unsolicited shit / Rape
Ghost: Exorcised

Today I step out of the moments and look at life beyond.

And today I choose to forgive.

I'll keep the trust, my faith.
I'll let go of hurt and hatred, guilt and humiliation.
I'll keep the human. Let go of the victim. Just walk on.

Its a beautiful life. So I will carry my own vision forward. And let others' actions be with them.

Like someone said... 'You've given your life to become the person that you are. Was it worth it?'... It better be worth it then.


Anonymous said...

God bless you dear.
Happy to note that you have finally managed to exorcise your ghosts. It must have been some effort!!

Proud of you. May your ghosts rot in hell (will request the lord to create a nice hell in case if the ghosts are still on mother earth.

Love & prayers.

Fictional Reality said...

I love love and prayers... So dole it on. Whoever you are... thanks for your wishes. Much appreciated.