Friday, November 7

Live from Firangi Paani

Hi everyone...

I have been dancing like mad on the floor... just came back to take a breather and thought of this crazy idea of writing a blog entry from here!

I am getting a lot of crazy looks... like 'how could she open that damned damned thing within these holy walls'... but then! I will now be thinking about this and smiling to myself for some time to come so hell with everyone!

And this is going to be short post... but there's more to come soon.. I have been in one those phases.. you know those... the ones I keep slipping into every now and then... but then that's a story for another time!!

Till then... I'll go burn some on the floor!



Utopia said...

short post indeed.

Fictional Reality said...

:) Yup it is. How've you been? The new job scene? :)

Whatever it is I hope you find a great boss. They make all the diff in the world. Mine's just positively menopausal all the time... I was telling someone a few days ago how all of us are contemplating mass suicide here! So we all have to come up with famous last lines till the next team meeting. :)

ps: Long answer there. Better?